Folder Defaults (pdadm5155m000)
These values are defaulted when you create a folder in the Folder (pdpdm3600m000) session.
Field Information
- Template
The ID of the template for which the default values are applicable.
- Template Description
The description or name of the code.
- Preferred
Indicates that the template is set as the preferred template.
- Folder
The code of the folder for which the default values are set.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Folder Type
The default folder type used for the project.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Security Access Level
The default level of security access provided to the user.
Allowed values
- Unrestricted
- Restricted
- Confidential
- Secret
- Top Secret
- Revision
The revision of the folder.
- Status
The status of the folder.
- Is Latest
Indicates that the revision of the folder is latest.
- PLM Project
The PLM project for which the folder is created.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Created By
The login ID of the user who creates the folder.
- Created By
The name of the user who creates the folder.
- Created On
The date and time when the folder is created.
- Originating App
The application using which the folder is created.
Allowed values
- MSProject
- UG Manager
- Inventor
- ME10
- Altium
- DraftSight
- Jvue Markup
- SolidWorks
- AutoCAD
- SolidEdge
- ProE
- Ug
- MSOffice
- CatiaV5
- CatiaV4
- E-Source
- Lotus Notes
- MSWord
- MSExcel
- MSPowerPoint
- MSOutlook
- Previous Revision
The existing revision of the folder.
- Approval Date
The date on which the folder is released.
- Effective From
The date and time from which the effectivity of the folder is applicable.
- Today
If this check box is selected, LN considers the current date as the Effective From date.
- Effective To
The date and time up to which the effectivity of the folder is applicable.
- Derived From
The original folder from which this folder is copied.