Add Export Promotion Lines (lpind3511m000)
- Auswahlbereich
- Kaufmännische Firma
Die Felder "Von" und "Bis" legen einen Bereich fest von: the financial companies for which the export promotion lines are created.
- Buchungsschlüssel
Die Felder "Von" und "Bis" legen einen Bereich fest von: the transaction types of the export promotion lines.
- Rechnung
Die Felder "Von" und "Bis" legen einen Bereich fest von: the invoice document numbers.
- Invoice Line
Die Felder "Von" und "Bis" legen einen Bereich fest von: the line numbers of the invoice document.
- Rechnungsdatum
Die Felder "Von" und "Bis" legen einen Bereich fest von: the date and time when the invoice is generated.
- Ship Details
- Shipment
Die Felder "Von" und "Bis" legen einen Bereich fest von: the shipments for which the invoice is created.
- Sendungsdatum
Die Felder "Von" und "Bis" legen einen Bereich fest von: the date and time when the shipment is created.
- Shipping Bill No
Die Felder "Von" und "Bis" legen einen Bereich fest von: the shipping bill numbers.
- Shipping Bill Date
Die Felder "Von" und "Bis" legen einen Bereich fest von: the date and time when the shipping bills are generated.
- Transaction Type
The code of the transaction type associated with the promotion line.
- Belegnummer
The document number of the invoice associated with the promotion line.
- Rechnungsposition
The line number of the invoice document associated with the promotion line.
- Operational Company
The code of the operational company for which the promotion claim lines are created.
- Kaufmännische Firma
The code of the financial company for which the export promotion lines are created.
- Shipment/Receipt
The shipment or receipt number associated with the export promotion line.
- Shipment/Receipt Line
The line number of the shipment or receipt document associated with the export promotion line.
- Export Promotion Scheme
The code of the export promotion scheme.
- Scheme ID
The ID of the export promotion scheme. The ID is based on the number group and series defined in the Erste freie Nummern (tcmcs0150m000) session.
- Scheme Line
The position number of the export promotion scheme line.
- Scheme Line Sequence
The sequence number of the export promotion scheme line.