Change Export ASV after Shipmet Confirmation (lpind1231m000)
Your Concept
You can access this session using the Change FOB Value After Confirmation option from the Actions menu in the Shipment Lines (lpind1131m000) session.
- Shipment
The number of the shipment document for which customs value must modified.
- Shipment Line
The position number of the shipment line.
- Customs Value
The customs value applicable for the transport of the goods linked to the shipment line.
- Currency
The code of the currency in which the customs value is expressed.
- Transactional Value
The total value of the imported goods related to the transaction.
Note:This value is updated based on the value specified in the Customs Value field.
- Currency
The code of the currency in which the transactional value is expressed.
- Shipment Charges Value
The sum of all the shipment charges after the charges are apportioned to the shipment lines.
- Shipment Charges(Part of FOB) Value
The sum of shipment charges which are part of the FOB value.
- Assessable Value
The value upon which various duties and taxes such as, cost, insurance, and freight are levied.
Note:This value is the sum of Transactional Value and Shipment Charges(Part of FOB) Value.