Withholding Tax Transaction Lines (lpidn1110m000)
Your Concept
You can access this session only if the Functionality for Indonesia check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
- Payment Batch
The payment batch number for which the withholding tax transaction is generated.
- Invoice from BP
The code of the invoice-from business partner associated with the withholding tax transaction.
- Payment Transaction Type
The transaction type of the payment document for which the withholding tax transaction is generated.
- Payment Document Number
The number of the payment document associated with the withholding tax transaction.
- Payment Line Number
The position number of the withholding tax transaction line.
- Invoice Company
The code of the financial company in which the invoice is created.
- Invoice Transaction Type
The transaction type assigned to the invoice document.
- Invoice Document Number
The document number that identifies the invoice associated with the withholding tax transaction line.
- Invoice Line
The sequence number of the invoice line.
- Schedule Line
The line number of the payment schedule linked to the invoice.
- Line
The line number of the invoice document.
- Sequence Number
The sequence number that identifies the schedule line associated with the invoice.
- Tax Country
The code of the tax country applicable for the tax line of the invoice.
- Tax Code
The tax code associated with the tax country that is used to calculate the tax amount for the invoice line.
- Tax Sequence Number
The sequence number of the tax code.
- Type of Income
The type of income associated with withholding tax transaction line.
Note:You can modify the value in this field only if the original WHT tax certificate is not generated.
- Tax Object Code
The code of the tax object associated with the tax transaction.
- Invoice Amount
The total amount of the invoice associated with the withholding tax transaction.
- Withholding Tax Amount
The total amount of the withholding tax transaction.