Parent Documents (dmdoc1540m001)
Use this session to view parent/child links between document revisions.
You can view the parent documents of the selected document revision. For a source document, if a child document is attached, the source document automatically becomes the parent.
In this session, the child document appears in the View fields and the parents documents appear in the Grid fields.
Field Information
- Document
The document ID of the parent document.
- Type
The document type of the parent document .
- Revision
The revision of the parent document.
- Document
The document ID of the child document.
- Type
The Document Type of the child document
- Revision
The revision of the child document.
- Link Type
The links between document and parent. The links can be of two types: Logical Parent/Child link or Physical Parent/Child Link.
- Document
The description or name of the code.
- Status
The status of the child document .
- Secondary Status
The secondary status of the child document.
Note: The user-defined status of the document. The Secondary status is the customized status, based on the needs of a company.