Reviewers - Change Specific (dmchm0522m001)

Use this session to specify the reviewer(s) who needs to be part of the committee for a change.

Reviewers are selected from the Change Committees (dmcom0127m000) session. For the Fixed Reviewer mechanism, the chairperson provides the sequence to the reviewers. The sequence appears only in the session for the Fixed Reviewer mechanism.

The Notify by E-mail option is selected to send e-mail messages to other reviewers and a copy to the chairperson in case of a normal reviewer mechanism. In case of a Fixed reviewer mechanism, an e-mail message is sent to the reviewer who is next in the sequential order and a copy is sent to the chairperson.

When a change is created and a committee is selected, the default reviewers mentioned for that committee are created for the new change. After the new change is created, the chairman of the review board must select the reviewers specific to the change.

Field Information


The name of the committee.

Committee Description

The description or name of the code.


The change to which change committee is linked.


The reviewer of the change committee.

Change Specific Reviewer

If this check box is selected, the specific reviewer can provide the recommendation when the proposal of a change is submitted for review.


The description or name of the code.

Sequence Number

Enter the sequence number of the reviewer to review change management. The reviewer can review as per to the sequence number, and enter any recommendations for a change. The sequence number appears only if the Fixed Reviewers mechanism is set in the Changes (dmchm0111m000) session.

Due Date

The date by which the reviewer must provide recommendations for a change proposal. The due date appears only if the Fixed Reviewers mechanism is set in the Changes (dmchm0111m000) session.

Notify by e-mail

If this check box is selected, the e-mail message is sent to the reviewer whenever the proposal of a change is submitted for review or a recommendation is given by another reviewer of the committee.


To receive an e-mail message, the reviewer's e-mail address must be specified in the Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000) session.