Change Order


A version of the change proposal has a list of proposed effectivity dates, which are recorded as change orders. A change order can exist independently of a change proposal. Change orders are linked to the change proposal. A change order can be selected for effectivity dates. To control the effective and expire dates of more than one change order, you can define a parent child dependency between two change orders. The hierarchical dependency between two change orders, creates a bill of change orders (BOCO). A BOCO has two levels of hierarchy. You can link the change orders in BOCO to the change proposal.

The date of the parent change order in BOCO is used as effectivity date for ERP objects affected by the change and which are linked to the change proposal. In case the change order date is prior to the change approval date, the approval date is taken as effective date for all the ERP objects which are linked to the change proposal.

The dates of a change cannot be revised if the change is approved. If you must change the effectivity dates, the approved change must be cancelled. You must create a new change with new order dates.

Change Order Dates

The change order date (COD) that appears in the change order is the date for the change implementation described in the change proposal.

If a dependency exists between two ERP-affected objects, the relative change order is used to set the ERP affected objects as effective or expired. Example change order CO1 is defined for ERP affected object Item1 and CO2 is defined for ERP affected object Item2.

In the ERP-affected object session, the Item1 is set to expire on a given date, say 30-June-05, and Item2 is set to expire 15 days after the expiry of Item 1 on 15-July-05. The expiry date of Item 2 is based on the time duration defined in the ERP affected object Item1 in the relative change order field and will override any date which is mentioned in the CO2. In this scenario the CO2 gets triggered on the basis of the date specified in the Relative Change Order field in the change affected object Item 1.

If you approve the change, the Item1 in case it is a new Item is set as effective and if Item1 is an old item is set as expired, based on the dates specified in CO1. The Relative Change Order field in the change affected object Item 1, is CO2. When CO2 is approved the dates specified in relative change order field of ERP affected object Item 1 will override any date specified in the CO2. The Item 2, if you set a new item as effective, and if an earlier item is set as expired based on the dates specified in the Relative Change Order field in the change affected object Item 1.