The change refers to the change header. All related change requests are linked to one change. If you create a new change, the first version of change proposal is created automatically. You can also create a change without a change request. The lifecycle of a change has the following status:
- Created
- Under Review
- Approved
- Frozen
- Cancelled
- Completed
To initiate the change process, an authorized user must do the following:
- Assign an owner who is responsible to carry out the change
- Set the change priority
The change provides information about problem and the consequences, in case the problem is not addressed. The change committee linked to the change provides recommendation for the change approval.
The change process, as part of the change management is of two types:
- Simple change
- Normal change
To implement the effectivity dates, the change orders and the objects which are governed by the dates, are linked to the change, in case of simple change.
Linked Change Requests: All change requests linked to the particular change.
Change Proposals: The change proposal linked to the change.
Reviewers: The reviewers of the change committee assigned to the change.