Item subcontracting - setup
You can use item subcontracting to subcontract an item's entire production process. If you apply item subcontracting, no production order is created.
For item subcontracting, set up the following data:
- Implemented software components
If you want to perform full subcontracting, you must select the Fremdleistung mit Materialfluss check box in the Implementierte Software-Komponenten (tccom0100s000) session.
- Warehouse at the subcontractor's location
Define an administrative warehouse in the Läger (whwmd2500m000) session. The administrative warehouse reflects the external warehouse at the subcontractor's location.
For more information, refer to Vendor managed inventory and VMI warehouse settings
In Unternehmensplanung (CP) berücksichtigen
Select the Include in Enterprise Planning check box.
- Item related data
Define the following item related data:
Define the end item that you want to subcontract in the Artikel (tcibd0501m000) session.Artikeldaten (Produktion)
To send material to the subcontractor, select the Fremdbearbeitung mit Materialfluss check box in the Artikeldaten (Produktion) (tiipd0101m000) session.Artikeldaten (Einkauf)
In the Artikel - Einkauf (tdipu0101m000) session, enter the appropriate price in the Fremdbearbeitung für Arbeitsgang - Einkaufspreis field.Artikeldaten (Verkauf)
In the Artikel - Kunde (tdisa0510m000) session, enter the administrative warehouse defined in the previous step in the Lager Warenempfänger field.
- Supply data for components
You can regulate the supply of components to the subcontractor in the following ways:
Order specific supply
Order specific supply means that supply is linked to the subcontracting purchase order. The supplied quantity is the quantity required for the purchase order. To use order specific supply, the component's supply system in the Artikeldaten nach Lager (whwmd2510m000) session must be Holprinzip (einzeln), for the correct combination of component and administrative warehouse.
Order specific supply can exist between manufacturer and subcontractor, or directly between supplier and subcontractor:
Manufacturer - subcontractor
Select the Lieferung aus Lager check box in the Artikeldaten nach Lager (whwmd2510m000) details session, for the relevant combination of component and administrative warehouse.
Supply happens via warehouse transfers.
Supplier - subcontractor
Clear the Lieferung aus Lager check box in the Artikeldaten nach Lager (whwmd2510m000) details session, for the related combination of component and administrative warehouse. The Bestellsystem must be Manual in the Artikel (tcibd0501m000) session to clear this check box.
Enter the supplier in the Warenversender field and the Lieferant field.
Supply happens by purchase order.
Bulk supply
Bulk supply means that components are sent to the subcontractor anonymously, independent of the subcontracting purchase order. You must chose one of these methods for a subcontracting (administrative) warehouse.
Supply system
In the Artikeldaten nach Lager (whwmd2510m000) details session, for the correct combination of component and administrative warehouse, you can choose Zeitabhängiger Meldebestand, Kanban, or Holprinzip (Stapel) to generate bulk supply. Note: If the administrative and the supplying warehouses are assigned to a cluster it must be the same one, otherwise they should not be clustered.Unternehmensplanung
To generate bulk supply using Unternehmensplanung, the administrative warehouse must be in a different cluster than the main warehouse. Furthermore, distribution relations must be defined between the two warehouses. The supply system defined in the Artikeldaten nach Lager (whwmd2510m000) details session, must be Holprinzip (einzeln). For more information about clusters, refer to Planning Clusters in Enterprise Planning.
- Terms and conditions
Define terms and conditions in the following cases:
- If components are shipped by sales orders.
- If the subcontractor is responsible for the components' planning.
Complete these steps:
From the Bedingungen (tctrm1100m000) session, start the Bedingungen (tctrm1600m000) session to define a terms and conditions agreement. The Bedingungsart field must be Verkauf.
Define a terms and conditions search level for which the Suchattribut 1 field is Artikelgruppe, and the Suchattribut 2 field is Lager. Select the Auftrag check box and the Planung check box.
Double-click the defined search level to start the Suchtiefe für Bedingungen (tctrm1610m000) session. In this session, define the items to which the agreement applies.
Double-click the defined items to start the Bedingungsposition (tctrm1620m000) session. On the Planning tab or in the Planungsbedingungen (tctrm1135m000) session, select the Zuständig für Lieferplanung check box. On the Order tab or in the Auftragsbedingungen (tctrm1130m000) session, select Verkaufsauftragsumbuchung in the Umbuchungsart field.
For more information about agreements, refer to Setting up terms and conditions.
- Sales contract
If components are planned by the subcontractor or shipped by sales order, define a contract in the VK-Verträge (tdsls3500m000) session. The Kunde field must contain the subcontractor code. Use the Bedingungen - ID field to link the applicable terms and conditions agreement.
Define the rest of the contract in the VK-Vertragspositionen (tdsls3501m000) session.
In the Stückliste (tibom1110m000) session, create the subcontracted item's BOM.
If the Lieferung durch Fremdbearbeiter check box is cleared, the components are sent to the subcontractor to be used in the subcontracted item. If this check box is selected, the components are directly supplied by the subcontractor.
- Overview of subcontracting
- Fremdbearbeitung für Artikel - Ablauf
- Order planning, an overview