Tax analysis
To print the tax declaration
To calculate and print the amounts for your tax declaration, use the USt-Analyse (tfgld1520m000) sessions. Click Print, and select one of the following reports:
- Tax analysis
- Tax analysis by invoice-from business partner
- Tax analysis by invoice-to business partner
- Tax report by tax position
- Tax report by tax position and country group
- Yearly tax report (business partners)
- Tax summary by tax authorities
- Tax exemption analysis
On the tax analysis reports, tax payments to the collection office are represented by the USt-Verrechnung tax code.
Continue with Paying the tax declaration.
Other tax reports
You can use the following sessions to print other required reports:
Erklärung über einbehaltene Einkommensteuer und Sozialabgaben drucken (tfgld1436m000)
A statement of withheld taxes and social contributions that you must periodically supply to each business partner. The business partner needs this statement to complete the income tax declaration for personal income tax and to claim the already withheld amounts. In addition, you can use this report for internal audits.Zukünftige Verbindlichkeiten ESt und Sozialabgaben drucken (tfacp2403m000)
A report that shows future tax liabilities resulting from tax codes for withholding tax with the tax type Auf Zahlungen. These types of tax liabilities are not yet reflected in the general ledger because the payments are not yet due.USt-Buchungen für vorläufige Erlöse auf Ausgangsrechnungen drucken (tfgld1433m000)
To facilitate tax auditing, you can print a report of the revenues and the tax lines in the Finalized Transactions (tfgld106) table. For details, refer to Sales orders - interim revenue reconciliation.