Automatic transfer of tax declarations

In some countries, you must send the tax declaration to the collection office by electronic transmission of the declaration file. You can set up LN to generate an electronic tax declaration file.

LN supports the following customized electronic tax declaration files for specific countries:

  • Portugal

    An ASCII declaration file for a combined VAT declaration and sales listing, which adheres to the electronic VAT declaration requirements defined by the authorities in Portugal. You can process the ASCII file further with the Portuguese VAT declaration HTML application (IVA.html).
  • Germany

    An XML declaration file that adheres to the electronic VAT declaration requirements defined by the authorities in Germany, more specifically, the Vorsteueranmeldung which is part of the Elster electronic VAT declaration.
  • United Kingdom (UK)

    The Infor UK Tax Authority Connector is an independent module that manages the communication between LN and the HMRC Making Tax Digital (MTDfB) webservice, either directly or through the Infor Services Platform (LSP). LN can publish a BOD to the Infor LSP, or supply the MTD XML or VAT 100 XML directly to the connector. The tax connector converts the XML to JSON format as part of its processing.

    The UK Tax Authority Connector supports these proprietary formats:

    • Retrieve VAT Obligation
    • Submit VAT Return for period
    • Retrieve VAT Liabilities
    • Retrieve VAT Payments
    • View VAT Return