Stamp tax

Stamp tax is a type of tax that is imposed on trade notes, and consists of a fixed amount instead of a percentage. Depending on the country of your company, if you issue trade notes you can be obliged to pay stamp tax on the trade note.

In some countries, such as Spain and Japan, to pay the stamp tax, you must stick a stamp on the trade note document. In other countries, to pay the stamp tax, you must buy an official form for the trade note.

To set up stamp tax:

  1. Parameter Zahlungswesen (tfcmg0100s000)

    On the Trade Notes tab, select the Wechsel check box. Next, specify the other trade notes information required in this session.
  2. Steuercode nach Land (tcmcs0136s000)

    Specify a tax code for the stamp tax, and in the Steuerart field, select Stempelsteuer.
  3. Kaufmännische Daten USt-Codes (tfgld0171s000)

    For the stamp tax code, select the following ledger accounts:

    • Konto Stempelsteuerschuld
    • Vorsteuer, which is renamed to Vorsteuer if the kind of tax is Stempelsteuer.
  4. Stempelsteuer (tcmcs1131m000)

    Specify the stamp tax rates on trade notes applied in your financial company's home country. You can specify the stamp tax amount as an amount or as a percentage.
  5. Zahlungsleistender (tccom4114s000) and Zahlungsempfänger (tccom4124s000)

    If you wish to generate trade notes for the business partner based on the stamp tax rates, in the Teilungsverfahren für Wechsel field select Unterteilung für Stempelsteuer.
  6. Unterteilung für Stempelsteuer (tcmcs1132m000)

    If for some or all of your pay-to and pay-by business partners you have selected the Unterteilung für Stempelsteuer trade note division method described in Step 5, use this session to define the division data.