E-Invoices Register (lpind5120m000)

Use session to view and maintain E-Invoice register. the shipping bills are generated based on the invoice data specified in this session.

This session allows you to access the Generate Shipping Bill (lpind1241m000) session using Generate Shipping Bill option from the Actions menu.

Financial Company

The financial company for which the e-invoices are created.

Transaction Type

The type of transactions for which the e-invoices are created.

Invoice Number

The Invoice Reference Number (IRN) is a unique number (also known as hash) generated by the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) using a hash generation algorithm, under the e-invoicing system.

E-Invoice Status

The status of the IRN associated with the e-invoice.


Not Applicable
Submitted to External System
Approved by External system
Rejected by External System
Document Deleted

Infor LN allows you to change the E-Invoice Status manually from Submitted to External System to:

  • Approved by External system
  • Rejected by External System
  • Canceled
Temporary Invoice Number

The temporary invoice number generated in order to maintain the right consecutive number on all confirmed invoices.

Invoice Details
Document Date

The date on which the document is created.

Identification Number (OWN)

The unique alphanumeric code issued by the tax registration authority by which the enterprise is identified in the country of issue. The length and the structure of the ID differs by country and type.

Identification Number (BP)

The unique alphanumeric code issued by the tax registration authority by which the business partner is identified in the country of issue. The length and the structure of the ID differs by country and type.


The date on which the Invoice Reference Number (IRN) is generated.


Infor LN allows you to modify this value only if the Connection Point field is set to Manual in the Indian Financial Parameters (lpind0100m000) session and the E-Invoice Status is Submitted to External System.

IRN date

The date on which the Invoice Reference Number (IRN) is generated.


Infor LN allows you to modify this value only if the Connection Point field is set to Manual in the Indian Financial Parameters (lpind0100m000) session and the E-Invoice Status is Submitted to External System.


The e-invoicing system authenticate the API before you use any API. The successful authentication of API generates a Session Encryption Key (SEK). The responses from the e-Invoice system must be encrypted using this key.

Shipping Bill
Shipping Bill External

Indicate if shipping bill is an external shipping bill.

Port of Loading

The port where goods are loaded for export.

Shipping Bill (External) Date

The date on which the external shipping bill is generated.

E-Way Bill Details
Pick-up Information
Pick-up Carrier/LSP

The carrier that picks up the goods associated with the e-way bill generated for the invoice.


This field is enabled only if the IRN Status is Approved by External system and the E-Way Bill is not specified.

This value is populated when the JSON is updated.

Transporter Identification Number

The identification number of the transporter.


This field is enabled only if the IRN Status is Approved by External system and the E-Way Bill is not specified.

This value is populated when the JSON is updated.

Vehicle Type

The type of vehicle that carries the load associated with the e-way bill.



This field is enabled only if the IRN Status is Approved by External system and the E-Way Bill is not specified.

This value is populated when the JSON is updated.

LR Number

The LR number of the e-way bill associated with the invoice.


This field is enabled only if the IRN Status is Approved by External system and the E-Way Bill is not specified.

This value is populated when the JSON is updated.

LR Date

The date and time when the LR number is specified.


This field is enabled only if the IRN Status is Approved by External system and the E-Way Bill is not specified.

This value is populated when the JSON is updated.

Lorry Number

The registration number of the vehicle that carries the receipt or shipment sent by the transportation providers.


This field is enabled only if the IRN Status is Approved by External system and the E-Way Bill is not specified.

This value is populated when the JSON is updated.

E-Way Bill
E-Way Bill

The E-Way bill number associated with the invoice.


The data in this field is cleared if the E-Way Bill is cancelled successfully.

Infor LN allows you to generate the E-way Bill only for the Document Type of Invoice.

Infor LN allows you to modify this value only if the Connection Point field is set to Manual in the Indian Financial Parameters (lpind0100m000) session and the E-Invoice Status is Submitted to External System.

E-Way Bill Date

The date and time when the E-Way bill is generated.


The data in this field is cleared if the E-Way Bill is cancelled successfully.

Infor LN allows you to modify this value only if the Connection Point field is set to Manual in the Indian Financial Parameters (lpind0100m000) session and the E-Invoice Status is Submitted to External System.

E-Way Bill Validity Date

The date and time up to which the E-Way bill is valid.


The data in this field is cleared if the E-Way Bill is cancelled successfully.

Infor LN allows you to modify this value only if the Connection Point field is set to Manual in the Indian Financial Parameters (lpind0100m000) session and the E-Invoice Status is Submitted to External System.

JSON Details
JSON Request

A new browser service that allows for two-way data exchange with any JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data server without exposing users or organization to any harm.

JSON Response

The Response interface of the Fetch API that represents the Response to a Request.


Infor LN allows you to modify this value only if the Connection Point field is set to Manual in the Indian Financial Parameters (lpind0100m000) session and the E-Invoice Status is Submitted to External System.

Decrypted Response

The Response decrypted using Session Encryption Key (SEK).

Signed JSON Details
Signed Invoice

The electronically or digitally signed invoice.

Signed QR Code

A QR code containing the unique Invoice Reference Number (hash) along with some important parameters of invoice and digital signature.


Infor LN allows you to modify this value only if the Connection Point field is set to Manual in the Indian Financial Parameters (lpind0100m000) session and the E-Invoice Status is Submitted to External System.

QR Code

A Quick Response code that can be scanned to display the invoice details.