Shipping Bills (lpind1141m000)

Use session to view the shipping bills details. The data in this session is populated from the shipping bill data generated from theGenerate Shipping Bill (lpind1241m000)session.

The shipping bill status can be changed to Final only if the data in the Shipping Bill (External) and Shipping Bill (External) Date fields is specified.

Shipping Bill (Internal)

Indicates that the shipping bill is an internal shipping bill.

Financial Company

The financial company to which the shipping bill lis linked to.



Transaction Type

The transaction types for which the shipping bill is generated.


The invoices for which the shipping bill is generated.

Shipping Bill (External)

The shipping bill number issued by the government after you submit shipping bills details.

Shipping Bill (External) Date

The date on which the shipping bill (external) is generated.

Let Export Date

The date on which the export customs clearance procedures completed with customs.

Port of Loading

The port where goods are loaded for export.



Port of Discharge

The port where goods are unloaded.


The Shipping Bill Status.

Submitted Date

The date on which the shipping bill is submitted to acquire clearance from the customs for export.

Expected Payment Date

The date on which the payment is expected to receive.

Realization Date

The date on which payment is actually received.

Shipper Name

The name of the entity responsible for shipping the goods.

Shipper Address

The address of the entity responsible for shipping the goods.

Shipper Identification Number

The identification number assigned by a seller and shipper of goods to identify a shipment comprised of one or more logistic units that are intended to delivered together.

Shipper Export Reference

The export reference number used to track the shipment..

INCO Terms

The series of pre-defined commercial terms. It is a set of internationally recognized rules which define the responsibilities of sellers and buyers.



Nature of Cargo

The type of cargo used to ship the goods.


Containerized Cargo
Not Applicable
Packaged Cargo
Liquid Bulk
Dry Bulk
Containerized and Packaged Cargo
Terms of Payment

The terms and conditions for the payments.



Reason for Export

The reason for which the goods has been exported.



Vessel or Aircraft

The information whether goods are shipped by vessel or aircraft.

Voyage Number

The unique identifier number for the voyage

Ship to Business Partner

The ship-to business partner.

Ship to Address

The address where goods is shipped.

Ship to Identification Number

The number identifying the ship used for transport of goods.

Sold to Business Partner

The sold-to business partner.

Sold to Business Partner Address

The address of the business partner to whom goods are sold.

Sold to Identification Number

The number identifying the business partner to whom goods are sold.

Country of Export

The country where the goods are exported.



Country of Destination

The country in which the exported goods are used or consumed.

Freight Amount

The amount paid to a carrier company for the transportation of goods.

Home Currency

The home currency.

Insurance Amount

The insurance amount of the shipped goods.

Other Amount

The other amount which spent during the shipment.

Pre Carriage By

Any inland movement that takes place prior to the container being delivered to the port/terminal.

Place of Receipt by Pre Carriage

The place where the cargo is handed over by the shipper or agent to the carrier (shipping line) or its agent.

Custom House Agent

The agent who oversee the business transactions related to the import and export of goods at the customs station.

License Number

The export license number.

RBI Waiver Number

The code indicating the waiver given by Reserve Bank of India.

RBI Waiver Date

The date on which the Reserve Bank of India waiver is provided.

Rotation Number

A number assigned to a ship by port authorities or customs authorities, to indicate the ship's turn to berth for loading and/or discharging..

Customs Station Code

The code indicating the customs port, customs airport or land customs station.

Exchange Rate

The currency exchange rate used to convert the home currency to transaction currency.



Total Number of Packages

The total number of packages in cargo.

Total Invoice Amount

The total invoice amount of the exported goods.