Generate GST Return Data File (lpind5230m200)

Use session to extract data from GST Register (lpind5130m000) in appropriate format and process the GST return data.
Generate by File Number

このチェックボックスがオンの場合、the GST return data is generated based on the File Number.

File Number

The file number that must be the base for the data selection. All the data associated to the file number are updated with a new file number.


This field is enabled only if the Generate by File Number check box is selected.

Rejected Only

このチェックボックスがオンの場合、 only sales and purchase transactions associated to the file number with status set to ‘Rejected’, considered for a new file number.

Tax Year

The Tax Year and Period for which the GST data must be generated.


This field is enabled only if the Generate by File Number check box is cleared.

Identification Number (OWN)

The Identification Number (sequence) of the organization for which the GST data must be generated.


This field is enabled only if the Generate by File Number check box is cleared.

Business Partner

The business partner.


This field is enabled only if the Generate by File Number check box is cleared.

Identification Number (BP)

The Identification Number (BP) for which the GST data must be generated.


This field is enabled only if the Generate by File Number check box is cleared.


このチェックボックスがオンの場合、 the Inter-state transactions out of the eligible transactions as per the reporting template are filtered. You must specify this value if Intrastate is not specified.


This field is enabled only if the Generate by File Number check box is cleared.


このチェックボックスがオンの場合、 the Intra-state transactions out of the eligible transactions as per the reporting template are filtered. You must specify this value if Interstateis not specified.


This field is enabled only if the Generate by File Number check box is cleared.

GST Reporting Template

The template that identify or denote the transactions to be considered. As per the selected template, the respective transaction identifiers are considered for reporting.


This field is enabled only if the Generate by File Number check box is cleared.

Flexible Reporting

The file layout based on the selected reporting code.


The separator used in the CSV file.

Export Location

The export location for the CSV file. Server must always be the preferred location.


File Location (local/server)

Export Directory

The directory where the CSV file must be stored.

Export File Name

The CSV file name.

Final Version

このチェックボックスがオンの場合、a file number (version) is generated and updated on all the selected records.

GST Reporting Number Group

The GST reporting number group. This value is defaulted from the tax series defaults session based on the registration number.


This field is enabled only if the Final Versioncheck box is selected.

GST Reporting Number Series

Series of the GST reporting number group.


This field is enabled only if the Final Versioncheck box is selected.