SII for ICT Sales & Purchase Consignment (lpesp2136m000)

セッションの目的: view and maintain SII consignment messages.
Registration ID

The ID of the message. The ID is based on the number group and series defined in the Spanish Parameters (lpesp0100m000) session.

Registration ID Sequence

The sequence number of the message. The sequence number is increased for modification messages if the messages are changed manually or by LN.

A modification messages is identified by communication type A1 - Modification.


The status of the message.


  • Created

    The initial status of the message. The message is generated or manually created. You are allowed to adjust the message before generating the XML file and sending the XML file to the Spanish tax authorities.
  • Generated

    The xml file is generated using the Generate XML Files (lpesp2208m000) session.
  • Accepted

    The transaction conveyed by the message is approved by the Spanish tax authorities and the approval is processed using the Process XML Responses (lpesp2209m000) session.
  • Rejected

    The transaction conveyed by the message is rejected by the Spanish tax authorities and the rejection is processed using the Process XML Responses (lpesp2209m000) session. A new, corrected message is to be created for the same transaction.
Operation Type

The type of operation to which the message refers.

Communication Type

The communication type indicates whether the message is the initial message or a modification message, that is, a follow-up message of a previously generated or accepted message.


  • A0 - Normal: the initial message.
  • A1 - Modification: a modification message.

Declarant Key

The indication of the type of consignment.

V refers to the consignment owned scenario, which applies to message types 01 up to 08.

A refers to the consignment not owned scenario, which applies to message types 09 up to 12.

Business Partner

The buy-from business partner if the value in the Declarant Key field is A, and the sold-to business partner if the value is V.


The business partner's name.

Tax Country

The tax country of the business partner.

Business Partner Tax Number

The tax number of the business partner.


The address from which the goods are shipped.


The address to which the goods are to be delivered.

Order Company

The company in which the order is created.

Type of Order

The type of order for which the transaction is performed.


The ID code of the order.

Order Line

The number of the order line.

Order Sequence

The sequence number of the order line.

Receipt Line


Receipt Line


Shipment Line

The ID code of the shipment.

Shipment Line

The number of the shipment line.

Transaction Date

販売オーダまたは入庫のような取引を作成したときに入力する日付。取引日は、現在の日付と等しくなるのが一般的です。取引日が現在の日付と異なるのは、前日付取引および期日前取引の場合だけです。内部的には、取引日は UTC 時間で登録されます。

Receipt Date




品目は、1 つのキットとして処理される一連の品目を表すことも、複数の製品バリアントに存在することもできます。


  • 原価品目 (電気代など)
  • サービス品目
  • 外注サービス
  • リスト品目 (メニュー/オプション)

The own warehouse for which the consumption, replenishment or other inbound or outbound transaction is performed.

Financial Company

The financial company of the warehouse.

Fiscal Period

The fiscal year in which the transaction is performed.

Fiscal Period

The fiscal period in which the transaction is performed. The fiscal period is derived from the financial company.


The item quantity involved in the transaction.

品目の在庫の計測単位。たとえば、個、キログラム、1 ダース、メートルなどがあります。



The amount of the item quantity. The amount is derived from the original sales or purchase order or schedule.


The currency used to express the amount.

Original Registration ID

The ID of the original transaction. For example, if the current transaction is a consumption, the original transaction is the replenishment with which the goods were received in the warehouse.

Original Transaction Date

The transaction date of the original transaction.

LSP Business Partner

The business partner representing the carrier.

LSP Business Partner Tax Number

The tax number of the carrier.

Manually Entered

このチェックボックスがオンの場合、the message is entered manually.

Messages of these operation types must be manually specified, because generation of messages for the underlying processes is not supported in LN:

  • 02
  • 04
  • 05
  • 06
  • 08

The operation type is specified or generated in the Operation Type field.


このチェックボックスがオンの場合、the transaction is not reported to the Spanish tax authorities because an XML file cannot be generated for the transaction.

This is useful if you want to prevent the current message from being reported to the Spanish tax authorities, for example, if you still need to make some adjustments to the message. Blocked messages are skipped in the Generate XML Files (lpesp2208m000) session.

Creation Date

The date on which the message is created.

Created by

The code of the user who created the transaction.

The name of the user who created the transaction.

XML Generation Date

The date on which the xml file is generated.

XML Generation by

The code of the user who generated the XML file.

The name of the user who generated the XML file.


このチェックボックスがオンの場合、the message is cancelled.

If a modification message, that is, a message with transaction type A1 - Modification is accepted by the Spanish tax authorities, the original message and the modification messages with lower sequence numbers with the same registration ID are cancelled.

You can also manually select this check box.

Cancellation Date

The date on which the message was cancelled.

Cancellation by

The code of the user who cancelled the message.

The name of the user who cancelled the message.

Modification Date

The date on which the most recent change was made to the message.

Modified by

The code of the user who made the most recent change to the message.

The name of the user who made the most recent change to the message.

Security Verification Code (CSV)

The code that is generated by the Spanish tax authorities when the message is accepted.

Error Message

The response from the Spanish tax authorities explaining why the message was rejected. For example, missing information or incorrect tax number formats.