Update Object History (dmcom1200m000)

Use this session to specify the reasons for the change of an object instances status. The name of the session changes, based on the selected object.


If the status of the folder is changed, the session heading is ACTION folder status (Approve Folder Status).

Object Type

The object instance details. Example: If the status of a folder is changed, the details of the FLDR object instance appear here (Folder - FLDR-0001, Version - 0001).

Object Description

The description or name of the code.

Changes From

The object instance's previous status.

Changes To

The object instance's current status.


Select a reason code for the change. Click the browse arrow to select the reason code from the Reasons (dmcom0150m000) session.

Date of Change

The date of status change.


Name of the user who updates the object type status.


Enter comments about the status change.