Spécifications des règlements en devise étrangère (Allemagne) (tfcmg1131s000)
Cette session permet de gérer les spécifications pour les règlements en devise étrangère au format de fichier DTAZV.
- Lot de règlements
Enter the payment btach.
Composed payments are included in the specified batch.
- Méthode de règlement
The receipt/payment method used for the payment of purchase invoices and the direct debit of sales invoices.
- Relation bancaire
The bank relation code used for combined payments.
This bank relation is linked to payments in the Lignes de propositions de règlement (tfcmg1101m000) session.
Note:The bank relation code is defined in the Relation bancaire (tfcmg0110s000) session.
- Tiers payé
Enter the pay-to business partner code used for generating payment advice.
- Banque du tiers
Enter the bank relation of the selected pay-to business partner to generate a payment advice.
- Date de règlement
Enter the date to make the combined payment to the supplier.
- N° de séquence
The sequence number used to create several combined payments within the specified criteria.
- Répartition des frais par défaut
Select the default fee allocation code for the composed payment.
- Type règlt fourn.
Enter the default payment type for this bank relation.
- Clé spécification 1
Enter the specification key.
The specification key is assigned by the bank and indicates the mode of payment, for example:
- Pay to beneficiary only.
- Pay only by check.
- Pay upon identification.
- Informations supplémentaires
Use this field to store additional information related to the specification keys.
- Transférer uniquement les données d'annonce
Si cette case est cochée, only the announcement data is forwarded from the pay-from bank to the Bundesbank.
- Enregistrement d'annonce
Si cette case est cochée, announcement data is reported for the composed payment.
- Devise
The transaction amount in home currency.
- Raison administrative (IRS1099)
The reason for payment is used for foreign payments.
- Montant écriture
The total transaction amount in the specified currency.
- Montant en devise société
The total amount in home currency.
The amount expressed in home currency.
- Référence
Enter the reference currency amount.