Bill of Entry (lpind1115m000)
You can access this session only if the Functionality of India check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, for on of the group companies.
- Société source
The source company to which the receipt transactions are linked.
- Receipt Number
The number of the warehouse or purchase receipt for which bill of entry details are displayed.
- Import Reference Number
The reference number of the import warehouse receipt.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Receipt Type is other than Warehouse.
This field is mandatory prior to the confirmation of receipt, when Inde check box is selected in the Composants logiciel implémentés (tccom0100s000) session, and at least one of the receipt lines is import related.
- Reference Date
The date when the import warehouse receipt is confirmed.
Note:This field is enabled only if the Receipt Type is other than Warehouse.
This field is mandatory prior to the confirmation of receipt, when Inde check box is selected in the Composants logiciel implémentés (tccom0100s000) session, and at least one of the receipt lines is import related.
- Port of Entry
The code or name of the port within the country where the import goods are received.
Note:This field is mandatory prior to the confirmation of receipt, when Inde check box is selected in the Composants logiciel implémentés (tccom0100s000) session, and at least one of the receipt lines is import related.
- Port of Loading
The sea port or airport at which the goods must be loaded. The port of loading must be indicated on the transport documents that the seller must present to the bank to get paid.
- IEC (Import Export Code)
The identification number assigned to the business partner that is used for the import or export transactions.
- Import Address
The code or name of the address from where the goods must be imported.
- Country of Origin
The code of the country of origin of the item. In some countries it is mandatory to print the country of origin on the shipping documents.
- Country of Consignment
The name of the country of consignment where the last change has been made to the ownership of the goods.
- Nature of Bill of Entry
The purpose for which the bill of entry is created for the receipt.
Valeurs autorisées
- Warehouse
- Ex-Bond
- Home Consumption
- Customs House Agent Code
The code of custom house agent responsible for the transactions at the customs office.
- Bills of Lading
The bills of lading associated with the buy-from business partner of the receipt.
- Bill of Lading Date
The date when the bill of lading is received.
- Bond Number
The number of the insurance policy that guarantees the payment of all the duties and fees related to the goods on the receipt.
- Bond Date
The date when the bond is issued.
- Marks and Numbers
The identification marks and numbers added by the shipper to identify the shipments that must be received by the consignee.
- Vessel’s Name/Agent’s Name
The name of vessel in which the goods are shipped specified in the bill of lading.
- Rotation No. & Date
The date and time when the agent is changed.
- Line No
The line number.