Indirect Tax Types (lpind0106m000)

Use session to view and maintain a list of indirect taxes applicable for India. You can map the indirect tax type applicable for India to one of the Indirect tax specified in the Indirect Taxes (tctax0130m000) session. You can also approve the napping of tax code using Approve option from the Action menu.

When you create the new indirect tax type in this session, LN validates that the same indirect tax is available in the Indirect Taxes (tctax0130m000) session, else, an error message is displayed.

Type of Indirect Tax

The code indicating the type of indirect tax applicable for India.

GST Type

The option to select the applicable goods and service tax type.

Valeurs autorisées

State GST
Central GST
Integrated GST
Union Territory GST
GST Cess
Social Welfare Surcharge
Kerala Flood Cess
Not Applicable
Basic Custom Duty

Si cette case est cochée, the tax code is approved using Approve option from the Action menu.