Thailand Parameters (lptha0100m000)
Cette session permet define the withholding tax parameters applicable for Thailand. You can also use this session to define the number group and series required for withholding tax reporting.
This session is enabled only if the Functionality for Thailand check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
- Date d'introduction
The date and time that the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.
- Description
The description of the parameter set.
- Establishment Type
The type of establishment for which the number group and series for the withholding tax is maintained.
Note:The value 00000 is reserved for the head office and any other value represents the branch office.
Valeurs autorisées
- Head Office
- Branch Office
- Not Applicable
- Establishment Code
The user defined code for the identification of the financial company's location.
- Establishment Name
Description ou nom du code.
- WHT Certificate Number Group
The number group used for generating the withholding tax certificates for the business partner.
Description ou nom du code.
- Certificate Series - Individual
The first free number assigned to an individual (person) business partner 's withholding tax certificates.
Note:This legal identity, that is Individual or Corporate is defined in the Données de retenue à la source du tiers (tccom4127s000) session.
Description ou nom du code.
- Certificate Series - Corporate
The first free number assigned to the corporate business partner 's withholding tax certificates.
Note:This legal identity, that is Individual or Corporate is defined in the Données de retenue à la source du tiers (tccom4127s000) session.
Description ou nom du code.
- Business Partner Set for PND54
The business partner set for whom the PND54 report is generated and submitted to the tax authorities.
- Description
Description ou nom du code.
- Series for PND54 BP's
The first free number generated for the business partner set. This number is assigned to the PND54 withholding tax certificate.
- Description
Description ou nom du code.
- Receipt consumptions tracking implemented
Si cette case est cochée, Infor ERP LN tracks the goods receipt notes for the inventory moving in and out of the warehouse.
- Receipt Consumption Priority
Si cette case est cochée, the goods receipts notes are prioritized based on the inventory movement in the warehouse.
Valeurs autorisées
- First In First Out
- Not Applicable
- Last In First Out
Note:This field is enabled only if the Receipt consumptions tracking implemented check box is selected.