Copy Export Promotion Scheme (lpind3201s000)

Use session to create a new export promotion scheme by copying an existing export promotion scheme.

Scheme ID

The ID of the source export promotion scheme. The ID is based on the number group and series defined in the Premiers numéros disponibles (tcmcs0150m000) session.

Financial Company

The code of the financial company in which the source export promotion scheme is defined.

Export Promotion Scheme

The code of the source export promotion scheme.

Date d'application

The date and time from when the source export promotion scheme is valid.

Expiry Date

The date and time from when the source export promotion scheme is not valid.


The code of the country in which the source export promotion scheme is applicable.

Financial Company

The code of the financial company in which the target export promotion scheme must be defined.

Scheme ID

The ID of the target export promotion scheme. The ID is based on the number group and series defined in the Premiers numéros disponibles (tcmcs0150m000) session.

Export Promotion Scheme

The code of the target export promotion scheme.

Date d'application

The date and time from when the target export promotion scheme is valid.

Expiry Date

The date and time from when the target export promotion scheme is not valid.


The code of the country in which the target export promotion scheme is applicable.

Copy Only Scheme

Si cette case est cochée, Infor LN copies only the scheme data to the new export promotion scheme.

Copy Scheme Lines

Si cette case est cochée, Infor LN copies the scheme lines data to the new export promotion scheme.