Copy Export Promotion Scheme (lpind3201s000)
- Source
- Scheme ID
The ID of the source export promotion scheme. The ID is based on the number group and series defined in the Premiers numéros disponibles (tcmcs0150m000) session.
- Financial Company
The code of the financial company in which the source export promotion scheme is defined.
- Export Promotion Scheme
The code of the source export promotion scheme.
- Date d'application
The date and time from when the source export promotion scheme is valid.
- Expiry Date
The date and time from when the source export promotion scheme is not valid.
- Pays
The code of the country in which the source export promotion scheme is applicable.
- Target
- Financial Company
The code of the financial company in which the target export promotion scheme must be defined.
- Scheme ID
The ID of the target export promotion scheme. The ID is based on the number group and series defined in the Premiers numéros disponibles (tcmcs0150m000) session.
- Export Promotion Scheme
The code of the target export promotion scheme.
- Date d'application
The date and time from when the target export promotion scheme is valid.
- Expiry Date
The date and time from when the target export promotion scheme is not valid.
- Pays
The code of the country in which the target export promotion scheme is applicable.
- Options
- Copy Only Scheme
Si cette case est cochée, Infor LN copies only the scheme data to the new export promotion scheme.
- Copy Scheme Lines
Si cette case est cochée, Infor LN copies the scheme lines data to the new export promotion scheme.