Payment Documents by Tax Declaration (lpind2145m000)

Use session to view and maintain the details of the finalized payment document that is paid to the tax authorities using the Cash journal Process, where we used the ECL as a debit account.

This session can be accessed only if:

  • The Functionality for India check box is selected in the Composants logiciel implémentés (tccom0100s000)session for the current financial company.
  • The Tax Declaration Type is set to VAT or Withholding Income Tax in the Déclaration de TVA (tfgld1625m000)session.
  • You can also access this session using the Payment Documents - Indiaoption from the Actions menu of the Déclaration de TVA (tfgld1625m000)session.

Tax Declaration Number

The tax declaration number for which the payment document details must be displayed.

GST Tax Type

The GST tax type of the tax declaration number for which the payment document details must be displayed.

Valeurs autorisées

State GST
Central GST
Integrated GST
Union Territory GST
GST Cess
Social Welfare Surcharge
Kerala Flood Cess
Not Applicable
Basic Custom Duty
Payment Company

The code of the company in which the payment document is generated for the tax declaration master. If you paid the tax declaration through a standing order or by paying the corresponding invoice, these fields display the document number of the standing order.

Payment Batch

The payment batch number to which the payment is made for the payment document of the tax declaration master. If you paid the tax declaration through a standing order or by paying the corresponding invoice, this the batch number of the standing order.

Payment Transaction Type

The transaction type of the payment document number associated with the tax declaration master.

Payment Document

The serial number of the payment document associated with the tax declaration master.

Payment Line

The position number of the payment document line.


The total amount of the payment document.


The code of the currency in which the payment document amount is expressed.

Payment Challan

The number of the challan linked to the payment document.

BSR Code

The BSR code of payment document associated with the tax declaration master.

Challan Date

The date and time when the challan is generated for the payment document.