Indonesia Tax Invoices (lpidn1150m000)
Your Concept
You can access this session only if the Functionality for Indonesia check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
- Financial Company
The code of the financial company for which the tax invoice is maintained.
- Transaction Type
The transaction type defined as the default for the financial company.
- Document Number
The document number assigned to the sales invoice.
- Document Date
The date and time when the invoice document is created.
- Invoice-to Business Partner
The code of the invoice-to business partner for whom the invoice is created.
- Identification Number
The identification number associated with the registration code.
- Tax Year
The year in which the tax invoice is created.
- Tax Invoice No
The number of the tax invoice document.
- Tax Invoice Status
The status of the tax invoice.
Valeurs autorisées
- Created
- Submitted to External System
- Not Applicable
- Approved by External System
- Rejected by External System
- Canceled
- Document Deleted
- Invoice Amount
The total amount of the tax invoice.
- Tax Amount
The tax amount of the transaction.
- Currency
The code of the currency in which the tax invoice amount is expressed.
- Created By
The login code of the user who creates the tax invoice.
- Created Date
The date and time when the tax invoice is created.
- Approved By
The login code of the authorized user who approves the tax invoice.
- Approved Date
The date and time when the tax invoice is approved.