Hungarian Parameters (lphun0100m000)
Cette session permet define and maintain the parameters required to implement the functionality specific to Hungary.
This session is displayed only if the Functionality for Hungary check box is selected in the Composants logiciel implémentés (tccom0100s000) session.
- Date d'introduction
The date and time when the parameter is created.
- Description
Description ou nom du code.
- Concept
The concept of EKAER for hungarian parameters.
- EKAER Implemented
Si cette case est cochée, the EKAER (Electronic Trade and Transport Control System) functionality is implemented for Hungary.
Note:This check box is applicable only if the Hongrie check box is selected in the Composants logiciel implémentés (tccom0100s000) session.
- Unit for Kilograms
The unit for kilograms of the item that is linked to the EKAER request.
Note:This field is enabled and mandatory only if the EKAER Implemented check box is selected.
- Description
Description ou nom du code.
- Currency for Hungarian Forints
The currency that is used for the Hungarian Forints.
Note:This field is enabled and mandatory only if the EKAER Implemented check box is selected.
- Description
Description ou nom du code.
- Number Group for Trade Cards
The number group of the trade card.
Note:This field is enabled and mandatory only if the EKAER Implemented check box is selected.
- Description
Description ou nom du code.
- Series for Trade Cards
The first free number of the trade card.
Note:- This field is enabled only if the EKAER Implemented check box is selected.
- This field is mandatory when the series has length greater than 0 in the related Number Group.
- Description
Description ou nom du code.
- User
The user or login that is requested and supplied by the Hungarian authorities. The user is a part of the XML that is sent to the government.
Note:This field is enabled only if the EKAER Implemented check box is selected.
- Password
The password of the user.
Note:This field is enabled only if the EKAER Implemented check box is selected.
- Webservice (URL)
The web service or URL that is used for the EKAER and Hungary functionality.
Note:This field is enabled only if the EKAER Implemented check box is selected.
- Signature Key
The signature key that is used for Hungary.
Note:This field is enabled only if the EKAER Implemented check box is selected.