Delete/Archive Challan History (lpind1285m000)

Use session to delete or archive the history data of the challans created for loads or shipments.
Selection Range

Use the fields in the Selection Range group box to specify the range of challans of which the history data must be deleted or archived.

Selection Range
Preliminary Delivery Challan

Los campos De y A definen el rango de: preliminary delivery challans associated with the challans that must be deleted or archived.


Los campos De y A definen el rango de: the identification number of the challans that must be deleted or archived.

Ship-to Type

Los campos De y A definen el rango de: the ship-to types associated with the load or shipment of the challans that must be deleted or archived. Para obtener más información, consulte Creación de carga basada en la casilla de verificación Código de receptor único por carga.

Ship-to Code

Los campos De y A definen el rango de: the ship-to codes associated with the load or shipment of the challans that must be deleted or archived. Para obtener más información, consulte Creación de carga basada en la casilla de verificación Código de receptor único por carga.

Own Identification Number

Los campos De y A definen el rango de: own identification numbers of the company in which the challan is generated.

Challan Type
Challan Type

Specify the type of challans history data that must be deleted or archived.

Valores permitidos

Delete or Archive
Delete or Archive

Specify the action that must be performed on the history data of the selected type of challan.

Valores permitidos


Se borra la historia.


La historia hasta una fecha determinada se guarda mediante transferencia en una compañía de archivo.


La historia se archiva y se borra.

Archive India Localization Master Data

Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, Infor LN also archives the India localization master data related to the selected challans.


This check box is enabled only if the Delete or Archive field is set to Archivar.

Archive Text

Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, Infor LN also archives the texts defined for the challans.


This check box is enabled only if the Delete or Archive field is set to Archivar.

Overwrite Text

Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, Infor LN overwrites the existing texts defined for the challans.


This check box is enabled only if the Delete or Archive field is set to Archivar.

Up to Date

The date and time up to which the history data of the selected challans must be deleted or archived.

Compañía original

The code or name of the original company in which the challans are created.

Archive-to Company

The code or name of the company to which the history data of the challans must be archived.