Generate Shipping Bill (lpind1241m000)

Use session to generate the shipping bills from the e-invoice register. You can use the Generate option to generates the shipping bills for the specified data.
Selection Range

Use the fields in the Selection Range group box to generate the shipping bills from the e-invoice register.


Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, Infor LN allows you to specify the invoice data based on which the shipping bills must be generated.

Financial Company

Los campos De y A definen el rango de: financial companies for which the shipping bills must be generated.


This check box is enabled only if the Factura check box is selected

Transaction Type

Los campos De y A definen el rango de: transaction types for which the shipping bills must be generated.


This check box is enabled only if the Factura check box is selected

Invoice Number

Los campos De y A definen el rango de: invoice numbers for which the shipping bills must be generated


This check box is enabled only if the Factura check box is selected


Si esta casilla de verificación está seleccionada, Infor LN allows you to specify the shipment data based on which the shipping bills must be generated.

Logistic Company

The code of the logistic company.


Los campos De y A definen el rango de: shipments for which the shipping bills must be generated.


This check box is enabled only if the Shipment check box is selected.