GST Register (lpind5130m000)

Use session to view all the GST transaction details after the sales and purchase transactions are generated using the Generate Sales Data (lpind5230m000)and Generate Purchase Data (lpind5230m100)sessions.
Compañía origen

The logistic company from which the order is originating.

GSTR Source Type

Indicates the source of the document.

Valores permitidos

Customer Claim
Supplier Claim
Service Contract
Freight Order
Debit/Credit Note
Purchase Order
Manual Sales
Not Applicable
Sales Order
Intercompany Trade
Service Order
Maintainance Sales Order
Service Call
Tax Origin

Indicates if the tax origin is a Sales or Purchase transaction.

Order Number

The order number associated with the transaction.

Order Line

The order line number.

Invoice Number

The invoice number. The number can either be a Sales Invoice or Purchase Invoice number depending upon the origin.

Tipo de transacción

The transaction type.


The invoice document number.


The invoice date.

Tax Invoice Number

The tax invoice number. This number can either be a Sales Invoice or Purchase Invoice number depending upon the origin.

Invoice Line Type

The type of invoice line.

Valores permitidos

Petición de anticipo
No aplicable
Mano de obra
Help Desk
Transferencia OEC
Costos adicionales de plazos
Pago en recepción
Orden de almacenaje
Facturación retroactiva
Nota de abono
Costos totales más porcentaje fijo
Nota de débito
Orden de flete
Entrega directa
Líneas de ráppel
Orden de PCS
Compra triangular
Entrega de contrato
Tarifa unitaria
Solicitud de pago del progreso
Honorarios y sanciones
Factura de anticipo
Petición de anticipo de pago
Ventas manuales
Orden de venta
Plazo de contrato
No facturable
Invoice Reference Number

The invoice reference number (IRN) generated for the invoice.

IRN Status

The status of the invoice reference number (IRN).

Valores permitidos

Not Applicable
Submitted to External System
Approved by External system
Rejected by External System
Document Deleted

The department associated with the transaction.


The warehouse associated to the shipment.


The code of the shipment or receipt.

Shipment/Receipt Line

The shipment or receipt line associated to the transaction.

Shipment/Receipt Date

The shipment or receipt date of the order.

Tax Country

The tax country for which the tax codes are maintained.

Tax Code

The tax code.

Ejercicio tributario

The tax year for which the tax is applicable..

Período tributario

The tax period.

Identification Number (OWN)

The sequence and actual Identification number of the organization for the invoice. Depending upon the origin, the number can either belong to the supplier or the buyer.

Identification Number (BP)

The sequence and actual Identification number of the business partner for the invoice. Depending upon the origin, this number can either belong to the supplier or the buyer.


The business partner as mentioned in the invoice. Depending upon the origin, the BP can either be associated to the supplier or the buyer.


The name of the business partner.

Ship From State

The state from where goods are being shipped. Depending upon the origin, this can be the state of the supplier or the buyer.

Ship To State

The state to which goods are being shipped. Depending upon the origin, this can either be the state of the buyer or the supplier.

Place of Supply

The place of supply of goods or services based on the place of supply rules.

File Number

The number that identifies the GSTR file.

Filing User

The user who is filing the GSTR.

File Date

The date when the GSTR is filed.


The status of the GST return filed.

Valores permitidos

Rejected External

Additional remarks on the GST transaction.

Línea de factura
Línea de factura
Number Of Invoice Lines

The number of lines in the invoice.


The item for which invoice is being raised.

Scheme Base

The type of scheme code to be considered for tax transactions.

Valores permitidos


La base de esquema se establece en Servicio cuando:

  • el artículo no está implicado; por ejemplo, plazos de proyecto, costo logístico, flete, etc., O
  • el artículo está en servicio; por ejemplo, una orden de servicio, una orden de venta de mantenimiento, etc., O
  • la orden de venta o la orden de compra está relacionada con un artículo de servicio.

La base del esquema se establece en Mercanías para todas las transacciones de venta y compra relacionadas con artículos de stock, como la venta de mercancías mediante una orden de venta, una programación de ventas, los entregables según contrato, la recepción de componentes y la entrega de componentes, la compra de mercancías. No obstante, si la casilla de verificación 'Orden de compra de subcontratación como servicio' está seleccionada en la sesión xxx, las transacciones de órdenes de compra de subcontratación se pueden considerar base de esquema de mercancías o servicio.

No aplicable
Classification Scheme

The scheme for which the codes are listed.

Classification Scheme Code

The code related to the classification scheme for a product or service. The list of all codes that belong to a classification scheme is defined in the Classification Codes (lprou2109m000) session.

Product Class

Datos de agrupación de artículos definidos por el usuario que se utilizan para distinguir artículos diferentes dentro de una línea de producto. La clase de producto se utiliza principalmente como un criterio de selección para crear listados.

Delivered/Received Quantity

The delivered or received quantity.

Delivered/Received Unit

The unit of the delivered or received quantity.

Importe de factura

The amount specified in the invoice.


The currency used for the invoice amount.

Invoice Discount

The discount on the invoice.

Invoice Line Amount

The amount on the invoice line.

Invoice Line Discount Amount

The discount amount of the invoice line.

Invoice Line Net Amount

The net amount of the invoice.

Paid Amount

The amount paid by the user.


The debit or credit transaction.

Cuenta contable

The ledger account of the transaction.

Dimensión 1

Corresponding dimension of the ledger account.


Indicates if tax is exempted from the sales/purchase transaction.


Indicates if the tax is configured based on the interstate tax code.

Reverse Charge

Indicates if the transaction is a reverse charge transaction.


This indicator is set to yes only if the VAT Type field is set to Cambiado.

GSTR Transaction Identifier

The GSTR transaction identifier.


A transaction can be identified as one of these categories:

  • Registered BP
  • Unregistered BP
  • Registered BP (Advances)
  • Unregistered BP (Advances)
  • Registered BP (SEZ without payment of taxes)
  • Registered BP (SEZ with payment of taxes)
  • Export Sales without payment of taxes
  • Export Sales with payment of taxes
  • Registered BP (Deemed Exports)
  • Registered BP (Credit Note)
  • Unregistered BP (Credit Note)
  • Registered BP (Assignments of Advance)
  • Unregistered BP (Assignments of Advance)
  • Registered BP (Sum of all taxes on invoice is ZERO)
  • Unregistered BP (Sum of all taxes on invoice is ZERO)
  • Registered BP (Non-GST )
  • Unregistered BP (Non-GST )
  • Registered BP (Exempt)
  • Unregistered BP (Exempt)
  • Import of Goods
  • Import of Service
  • Registered BP (Reverse Charge)
  • Unregistered BP (Reverse Charge)
Trade Type

The trade type.

Valores permitidos

Salida nacional
Entrada nacional
GSTR Document Type

Type of GSTR document.

Valores permitidos

Journal Voucher
Not Applicable
Credit Note
Debit Note
Advance Receipt
Advance Payment
Cash Journal
Write Off Bad Debt
Customs Document Number

The document number generated either during import (bill of entry) or export (shipping bill).

Customs Document Date

The date on which the customs document number is generated.

Customs Document Amount

The amount on the customs document number that is mentioned on Bill of Entry or Shipping Bill number.

Port Code

The Port of Entry or Port of Discharge depending upon the transaction.

Documento original
Original Invoice Company

The original invoice company. These details are specified in case of a credit note transaction.

Original Invoice Transaction Type

The original transaction type.

Original Invoice Number

The original invoice number for the credit note transaction.

Original Invoice Line

The original invoice line for the credit note transaction.

Original Invoice Date

The original invoice type for the credit note transaction.


The reason for rejection is specified for a return order or credit note.

E-Way Bill Number

The number of the E-way Bill document generated for the invoice.


The carrier that picks up the goods associated with the e-way bill generated for the invoice.

LR Number

The LR number of the e-way bill associated with the invoice.

LR Date

The date and time when the LR number is generated for the E-Way Bill.

Reconciled with

The entity with which the GSTR-2 or purchase register data is matched or reconciled.

Valores permitidos

Not Applicable
Reconciliation Status

The status of the GST reconciliation.

Valores permitidos

Not Applicable
Partial Match
Probable Match
Not Matched
Not Found in PR
Not Found in 2A/2B
Reconciliation Reference

The additional information related to the GST matching process.