Generate Export Promotion Lines (lpind3211m000)
This session can also be accessed using the Generate Export Promotion Linesoption from the Actions menu of the Export Promotion Scheme (lpind3601m000) session.
- Export Promotion Scheme
Los campos De y A definen el rango de: the export promotion schemes.
- Facturas
- Compañía financiera
Los campos De y A definen el rango de: the financial companies in which the export promotion lines must be generated.
- Tipo de transacción
Los campos De y A definen el rango de: the transaction types for which the export promotion lines must be generated.
- Factura
Los campos De y A definen el rango de: the invoices that are generated for the export promotion schemes.
- Invoice Line
Los campos De y A definen el rango de: the position numbers of the invoices associated with the export promotion schemes.
- Fecha de factura
Los campos De y A definen el rango de: the date and time when the invoices are generated.
- Ejercicio tributario
Los campos De y A definen el rango de: the fiscal years in which the export promotion lines must be generated.
- Período tributario
Los campos De y A definen el rango de: the periods of the fiscal years.