Promotion Claims (lpind3115m000)
- Claim ID
The identification number of the promotion claim.
- Scheme ID
The ID of the export promotion scheme. The ID is based on the number group and series defined in the Primeros números libres (tcmcs0150m000) session.
- Export Promotion Scheme
The code of the export promotion scheme.
- Accounting Department
The code of the accounting department that approves the promotion claim.
- Customs Office
The code of the customs office associated with the promotion claim.
- Estatus
The status of the promotion claim.
Valores permitidos
- Open
- Approved
- Sent
- Closed
- Canceled
- Fecha de creación
The date and time when the promotion claim is created for the export promotion scheme.
- Approval Date
The date and time when the promotion claim created for the export promotion scheme is approved.
- Date Sent
The date and time when the promotion claim is sent for approval.
- Last Modified Date
The date and time when the promotion claim created for the export promotion scheme is last modified.
- Last Modified By
The code of the user who last modified the promotion claim data.
- Text
The text related to the selected promotion claim.