Withholding Tax Transaction Lines (lpidn1110m000)

Utilice esta sesión para view the withholding tax transaction line details. These details include the information required for generating a withholding tax certificate and monthly/yearly withholding tax reports that must be submitted to the tax authorities.

Your Concept


You can access this session only if the Functionality for Indonesia check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Payment Batch

The payment batch number for which the withholding tax transaction is generated.

Invoice from BP

The code of the invoice-from business partner associated with the withholding tax transaction.

Payment Transaction Type

The transaction type of the payment document for which the withholding tax transaction is generated.

Payment Document Number

The number of the payment document associated with the withholding tax transaction.

Payment Line Number

The position number of the withholding tax transaction line.

Invoice Company

The code of the financial company in which the invoice is created.

Invoice Transaction Type

The transaction type assigned to the invoice document.

Invoice Document Number

The document number that identifies the invoice associated with the withholding tax transaction line.

Invoice Line

The sequence number of the invoice line.

Schedule Line

The line number of the payment schedule linked to the invoice.


The line number of the invoice document.

Sequence Number

The sequence number that identifies the schedule line associated with the invoice.

Tax Country

The code of the tax country applicable for the tax line of the invoice.

Tax Code

The tax code associated with the tax country that is used to calculate the tax amount for the invoice line.

Tax Sequence Number

The sequence number of the tax code.

Type of Income

The type of income associated with withholding tax transaction line.


You can modify the value in this field only if the original WHT tax certificate is not generated.

Tax Object Code

The code of the tax object associated with the tax transaction.

Invoice Amount

The total amount of the invoice associated with the withholding tax transaction.

Withholding Tax Amount

The total amount of the withholding tax transaction.