Tax Invoice Series for Indonesia (lpidn0104m000)

Utilice esta sesión para view and maintain the series for the tax invoices generated in Indonesia. These series are based on the information provided by the Directorate General of Taxes, Indonesia.

The tax invoice numbers can be obtained quarterly or annually. The tax invoice numbers can be issued separately for each branch and each branch has a unique identification number. This session can be used to maintain multiple tax invoice numbers for an year and an identification number. This is the tax invoice number format:


TT is a business transaction code

S is a status code

BBB is the branch code

YY is a year code from the tax invoice date

NNNNNNNN is the tax invoice number


You can access this session only if the Functionality for Indonesia check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.


The year of tax invoice for which the series must be defined.

Identification Number

The tax identification number of the invoice for which the series must be defined.


The sequence number of the tax invoice series.

Invoice Number From

The invoice numbers from which the series must be defined.

Invoice Number To

The invoice numbers upto which the series must be defined.

Effective Date

The date and time from when the series for the tax invoice is valid.

Expiry Date

The date and time upto which the series for the tax invoice is valid.

Last Used Number

The first free number that is last used to generate the tax invoice.

Created By

The login code of the user who creates the series for the tax invoice.

Created Date

The name of the user who creates the series for the tax invoice.


The status of the tax invoice series.

Valores permitidos

Not Applicable
Approved By

The login code of the authorized user who approves the tax invoice series.

Approved Date

The date and time when the tax invoice series is approved.