Workload and Today in Detail sections

In the Workload and Today in Detail sections of the Shipment Execution Workbench (whinh8361m000), the count of the shipments to be processed is displayed.

Workload section

The count of the shipments to be processed is displayed in a bar chart, based on the specified time period and the shipment status. You can place the pointer on the bar chart to view the count of the shipments with the specific status. Based on the option you select, the information is displayed for the span of either 10 days or five days.

Today in Detail section

The count of the shipments for which the planned delivery date is scheduled for the current date, is displayed in a pie chart. You can place the pointer on the pie chart to view the count of the shipments with the specific status.


Specific colors are used to represent each shipment status in the Workload section and in the Today in Detail section:

  • Projected: Grey
  • In Progress: Turquoise
  • Confirmed: Green
  • Issue: Red