To handle production-order advice and purchase-order advice

You can generate order advice for items with supply source Purchase or Job Shop in the Generate Order Advice (SIC) (whina3200m000) session. LN generates an order advice as soon as the item inventory drops below the reorder point. In case of errors, a report is printed.

The generated purchase-order advice must be confirmed, and from the confirmed purchase-order advice, you can create purchase orders or purchase schedules.

The generated production-order advice must be confirmed, and from the confirmed production-order advice, you can create Job Shop production orders.

You can view the generated:

  • Production-order advice in the Production Order Advice (whina3100m000) session
  • Purchase-order advice in the Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000) session

You can confirm production-order advice:

  • In the Production Order Advice (whina3100m000) session.
  • With the Confirm Production Order Advice (whina3201m000) session.

You can create production orders in these sessions:

  • Production Order Advice (whina3100m000).

    In this session, start the Transfer Production Order Advice (whina3202m000) on the appropriate menu to create production orders.

  • Transfer Production Order Advice (whina3202m000)

You can transfer production-order advice to the Job Shop Control module:

  • In the Production Order Advice (whina3100m000) session.
  • With the Transfer Production Order Advice (whina3202m000) session.

You can confirm purchase-order advice:

  • In the Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000) session.
  • With the Confirm Purchase Order Advice (whina3211m000) session.

You can create purchase orders or purchase schedules in these sessions:

  • Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000)

    In this session, start the Transfer Purchase Order Advice (whina3212m000) session on the appropriate menu to create purchase orders or purchase schedules.

  • Transfer Purchase Order Advice (whina3212m000)

You can transfer purchase-order advice to the Purchase Control module:

  • In the Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000) session.
  • With the Transfer Purchase Order Advice (whina3212m000) session.

Purchase orders or purchase schedules

Item settings determine whether purchase orders or purchase schedules are created from purchase-order advice.

If the order system of the item is SIC or Manual and purchase schedules are in use for the item, a purchase schedule is created or added to an existing purchase schedule.

If the order system of the item is SIC or Manual and purchase schedules are not in use, a purchase order is created.

The order system of an item is specified in the Order System field of the Items (tcibd0501m000) session. The setting of the Purchase Schedule in use check box in the Item - Purchase session or the Items - Purchase by Site (tdipu0181m000) session determines whether purchase orders or purchase schedules are created from purchase-order advice generated using the Generate Order Advice (SIC) (whina3200m000) session.


If the order system of the item is Planned and purchase schedules are in use for the item, no purchase-order advice is generated for the item in the Generate Order Advice (SIC) (whina3200m000) session, but in the Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000) session.

If the order system is Planned and purchase schedules are not in use, purchase-order advice is generated, and purchase orders can be created in the Generate Order Advice (SIC) (whina3200m000) session.