Cancel Inventory Commitment (whinp2204m000)

Use this session to remove the inventory commitment for a range of orders of the transaction type Issue.

This session can be used to de-commit the inventory that is committed to orders in the following sessions:

  • Inventory Commitments (whinp2100m000)
  • Generate Inventory Commitments (whinp2200m000)
  • Consumption of the Inventory Buffers (whinp2202m000)
  • The inventory cannot be de-committed if the commitment is defined as firm in the Inventory Commitments (whinp2100m000) session, that is, the Firm Commitment field is selected for the commitment.
  • The committed inventory can be removed if the corresponding warehousing order (if any) is not in process in Warehousing:
    • If the warehousing order exists, the order must have the status Open.
    • The outbound advice must not have been generated even partially, so the value of the Advised Quantity in Inventory Unit field in the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session must be zero.

A report is created when you de-commit inventory commitments for orders. The created report contains the inventory commitment that is removed with this session.

After you remove an inventory commitment, the commitment can no longer be viewed in the Inventory Commitments (whinp2100m000) session.

The Committed field in the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2115s000) session is updated with the changes in the committed quantity (the removed quantity is subtracted).

The Committed field in the Company - Item Inventory (whwmd4100m100) session is updated with the changes in the committed quantity (the removed quantity is subtracted).

If the origin is Sales Order, in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session, the Committed Quantity field is updated with the committed quantity (zero).