Enter Cycle Counting Results (whinh5101m100)

Use this session to enter cycle count results in a fast way. You can only enter cycle count results for printed cycle count orders.

You can sort the cycle count order lines in the same sequence as on the cycle count list. To do so, on the View menu choose one of the Sort by options.

To indicate that cycle count order lines without a variance are counted, select all concerned cycle count order lines, and from the appropriate menu, choose Count. As a result, LN does the following:

  • Selects the Counted check box.
  • Sets the value of the Counting Date field to the system date.

To delete the counting results entered for one or more cycle count order lines, select the relevant cycle count order lines and, on the appropriate menu, choose Undo Count. As a result, LN does the following:

  • Sets the Variance to zero.
  • Clears the Counted check box.
  • Deletes the Counting Date.
Note: To view the peg distribution data, use the Peg Distribution option from the References menu. This option is enabled only if the project pegging functionality is implemented and for the warehouse of type Project.

If a cycle count order line concerns:

  • A serialized item, you must specify the serialized items that are added to or subtracted from inventory in the Cycle Counting Order Line Stock Point Details (whinh5106m000) session before you can process the cycle count order. To start the Cycle Counting Order Line Stock Point Details (whinh5106m000) session, from the appropriate menu, choose Serials.

Field Information


The order number of the cycle-count order.

Count Number

The number of counts that are performed on one or more lines of this order.


The position (number).


The location.




If a cycle count order line concerns a serialized item and the Serials in Inventory check box in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session is selected, you must specify the serialized items that are added or subtracted from inventory in the Cycle Counting Order Line Stock Point Details (whinh5106m000) session before you can process the cycle count order.

You can start the Cycle Counting Order Line Stock Point Details (whinh5106m000) session from the Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5101m000) session and from the Enter Cycle Counting Results (whinh5101m100).


The lot.

Inventory Date

The date assigned to the item when the item was stored.


The storage unit.

Effectivity Unit

The code of the effectivity unit

E-item Revision

he revision number of item.

Stock Point Inventory

The quantity present at the stock point, expressed in the storage unit. When printed on a counting list, you can use this quantity to match with the quantities counted.

Inventory Counted

The quantity counted at the stock point, expressed in the storage unit.

If the item is serialized and the Serials in Inventory check box in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4600m000) session is selected, you cannot enter the actually counted inventory in the current field. To specify the counted inventory, choose Serials. The Cycle Counting Order Line Stock Point Details (whinh5106m000) session is started, in which you can register the serial numbers and specify whether the serial numbers are actually in inventory.

Note: You can only enter the counted quantity if the cycle-count order is printed. Therefore, you must select the Printed check box on the Cycle Counting Orders (whinh5100m000) session.

The difference between the quantity as registered in LN and the quantity counted at the stock point, expressed in storage unit.

Reason for Variance

The reason code for adjusting the variance.


The employee who is responsible for inventory counting on this order.

Inventory Counted (Inventory Unit)

If this check box is selected, counting data was entered.

Serials in Inventory

If this check box is selected, the low volume scenario applies.

Package Definition

The package definition.