Find Shipments for Shipping Containers (whinh4830m100)

Use this session to add shipments to the shipping container selected in the Compose Shipping Container (whinh4130m100) session.

To add shipments to the container:

  1. In the fields of the Selection group box, specify the criteria for the shipments to be added to the shipping container.
  2. Click Apply. The selected shipments appear in the lower half of this session.
  3. Select the shipments to be added to the shipping container and click Link to Container or l Link and Close.

Field Information

Add to Container

The load of the container to which you want to add shipments.

Add to Container

The container to which you want to add shipments.


To add one particular shipment to the container, enter or select this shipment in this field and click Apply.

Shipping Container

The load from which to select a shipping container.

Shipping Container

Enter or select the shipping container from which to add a shipment to the current container. The selected container must belong to the same load as the current container.

Ship-from Code

ship-from code

Ship-to Address

The address code to which the goods are to be delivered.

Hazardous Material

Hazardous material allowed, not allowed, or only hazardous materials in shipments to be added to the current container.

Up to Gross Weight

Maximum gross weight or no maximum gross weight of shipments to be added to the current container.

Up to Gross Weight

The maximum gross weight of shipments to be added to the current container.

Up to Gross Weight

The unit used to express the maximum gross weight.


planned delivery date


planned delivery date





Shipping Container

shipping container


ship-from type

Ship-from Code

ship-from code


ship-to type

Ship-to Code

ship-to code

Ship-to Address

The address to which the goods must be shipped.


If this check box is selected, the shipment contains hazardous material.

Gross Weight

The total weight of the shipment lines and the packaging items of the shipment.

Shipment Date To

You can add outbound-order lines to the shipment with a planned delivery date that is earlier or the same as the date in this field.

When shipments are generated, LN determines the default To based on the value of the Generate Shipments field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session. If the Generate Shipments field has the value:

  • Per Exact Planned Delivery Date/Time, the To is the exact planned delivery date and time.
  • For Planned Delivery Day, the To is the planned delivery date with time 24:00.
  • Up to and Including Planned Delivery Day, the To is the planned delivery date with time 24:00.