Print Budget by Element (tpptc3441m000)

Use this session to print one budget-cost analysis or a range of budget-cost analyses for one project or a range of projects. The output is sorted by element and includes:

  • Data generated by the Generate Budget Cost Analysis (tpptc3200m000) session.
  • Changes to the actual budget lines since the Generate Budget Cost Analysis (tpptc3200m000) session was last run.

You can break down the costs by:

  • Cost object
  • Control code
  • Cost component

Field Information

Calculation Method

Use one of the calculation methods to calculate your budget.

Costs Breakdown

The type of costs breakdown required on the printout.

Print Surcharges by

The order in which surcharges will appear on the printout.

Detailed Report

If this check box is selected, LN prints the details of the budget by activity. If this check box is cleared, LN prints a summary of the budget by activity.

Print Extensions

If this check box is selected, extensions that relate to the elements are included in the print.