Generate Extension Physical Progress from Element Progress (tpppc1171m000)

Use this session to generate progress for the extensions from the available element progress, for the following sessions:

  • Physical Progress by Extension/Material (tpppc1180s000)
  • Physical Progress by Extension/Labor (tpppc1182s000)
  • Physical Progress by Extension/Equipment (tpppc1184s000)
  • Physical Progress by Extension/Subcontracting (tpppc1186s000)
  • Physical Progress by Extension/Sundry Cost (tpppc1187s000)

By using this session, you need not enter the progress in the above sessions.

The generated progress is based on the progress from the following sessions:

  • Physical Progress by Element/Sundry Cost (tpppc1100s000)
  • Physical Progress by Element/Material (tpppc1120s000)
  • Physical Progress by Element/Labor (tpppc1122s000)
  • Physical Progress by Element/Equipment (tpppc1124s000)
  • Physical Progress by Element/Subcontracting (tpppc1126s000)

Progress can only be generated if the selected projects meet the following conditions:

  • The project status is Active.
  • The field Register Progress in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session reads Yes.

Depending on the value of the fields in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session, progress is maintained at the level of cost object codes or cost control codes.

Field Information

Physical Progress Date

The date the progress data must be generated.