Generate Physical Progress by Element/Cost Object (tpppc1128m000)

Use this session to globally change the progress for a range of elements. You can then monitor the result in the Project Progress module.

Using this session, you only maintain the progress of elements if both the project and its elements meet the following conditions:

Project conditions:

  • The project status is Active.
  • In the Project - Cost Control Levels (tppdm6102m000) session the cost control is selected for at least one of the element levels.
  • The Register Progress field in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session is set to Yes.

Element conditions:

  • The element status is Active.
  • The Physical Progress check box in the Elements (tpptc1100m000) session is selected.
  • The Physical Progress Level field in the Elements (tpptc1100m000) session is set to Element / Control Code.

It depends on the value of the fields in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session whether the progress of elements is maintained at the level of cost object codes or at the level of cost control codes.

The progress, which can be changed globally using this session, can be maintained by element and by cost type using the following sessions (depending on the cost type):

  • Physical Progress by Element/Sundry Cost (tpppc1100s000)
  • Physical Progress by Element/Material (tpppc1120s000)
  • Physical Progress by Element/Labor (tpppc1122s000)
  • Physical Progress by Element/Equipment (tpppc1124s000)
  • Physical Progress by Element/Subcontracting (tpppc1126s000)

Field Information


The project code.

Project Status

The project's current status.

Physical Progress Date

The date for which the progress data is generated.


If this check box is selected, LN generates progress for the item cost type.


The progress percentage for the item cost type.


If this check box is selected, LN generates progress for the labor cost type.


The progress percentage for the labor cost type.


If this check box is selected, LN generates progress for the equipment cost type.


The progress percentage for the equipment cost type.


If this check box is selected, LN generates progress for the subcontracting cost type.


The progress percentage for the equipment cost type.

Sundry Cost

If this check box is selected, LN generates progress for the sundry cost cost type.

Sundry Cost

The progress percentage for the sundry cost cost type.

Reported Completed

If this check box is selected, master lines are generated independently from the value of the Register Progress field in the Projects (tppdm6100m000) for the project or the cost object.

Delete Existing Data

If this check box is selected, the progress that is newly generated for existing lines replaces the old generated control data progress of these lines. What remains is the new progress.

If this check box is cleared, LN will leave the lines that were deleted after generating control data in tact in the history when you generate new progress here. For lines that new progress is generated for, the old lines will be updated.

Record Physical Progress

The process to record the progress data.