Project Cost Object Mapping with Service (tppdm6170m000)

Use this session to link a cost object in Project to a cost object in Service, and vice versa.

  • Cost object mapping using this session is project specific; to create standard cost object mappings, use the Standard Cost Object Mapping with Service (tppdm0171m000) session.
  • Cost object mapping is based on project activities only; mapping to elements is not supported.
  • Materials must either be included as budget for the project itself, and then handled in Project, or treated as part of the reference activity, and then handled in Service.
  • Travel cost cannot be included in a reference activity. To link travel cost to a project, it must be budgeted.

Field Information


The code that uniquely identifies the project.

Project Status

project status

Sequence Number

The mapping's sequence number.

Cost Type Service

The cost type in Service .

Item in Service

The item in Service .

Labor in Service

The task in Service . Select from the Tasks (tsmdm0115m000) session.

Cost Type

The cost type in Project that is linked to the selected cost type in Service .


The item in Project .

Cost Object

The cost object in Project to which the cost object in Service is linked.

Cost Object Reference Type

Indicates whether the cost object is a standard cost object (S) or a project-specific cost object (P).