Defining Answers and Follow - up Questions

Answers with associated follow-up questions are a special answer type used in the classification process. This answer type enables you to set up a staged question structure. After the selection of an answer, another question is asked. Answers that are followed by a question are especially useful in situations where a single question is not sufficient.

For each answer group you can define the answers and associated return values. The return value is always one character.

Asking questions continues until there is no follow-up question left, or if there is no more room in the classification code associated with the aspect. If no follow-up question has been defined for an answer, the classification process continues with the next aspect.

You cannot modify answers and follow-up questions for a specific answer group as long as there are still items in LN that have been classified with that answer group. If you try to modify an answer or follow-up question, LN displays the following message: Feature already used in classification process.

If you press ENTER the following question appears: Mark previously classified items for recoding?

If you select Yes, the Mark Classified Items for Recoding (tigrt0203m000) session starts.

Note: You can only define answers and follow-up questions for answer groups of the Answer & Follow-up answer type.