Checking Inventory by Production Order

Click Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) in the appropriate menu to see the planned inventory transactions.

You can view the inventory in two different ways:

  • The actual physical inventory
  • The projected inventory: the sum of the actual physical inventory and the planned inventory transactions (also know as projected on-hand). You can use this to see how much inventory is available on the Allocation Date of the item.


Only planned inventory transactions that are very likely to occur are taken into account. That is, the following are not used:

  • Forecast
  • Rough material requirements.
  • Requests for quotation.

Only the following inventory is used in the calculation:

  • Normal inventory.
  • WIP inventory.
  • Consignment inventory. The requirements of different effectivity units are not taken into account in this session.
Note: You can also use the Print Shortages by Production Order (tisfc0418m000) session to check inventory for a specific production order on a specific date.