Displaying Order Distribution

You must use this session to report production order quantities as completed if the following apply:

  • More than one distribution line is present for the production order.
  • You are reporting partial quantities as completed for the distribution lines.

If only one distribution line is present for a production order, or if several distribution lines are present and you are reporting the entire ordered quantity as completed in one go, you do not need to use this session for reporting quantities. You can then use the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0120s000) session to do so.

You can edit several fields on a distribution order line:

  • Quantity Ordered
  • To Deliver
  • Backflush to Do
  • Lot Code

If you start this session from the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) session, you can complete or reject items by effectivity unit for the last operation of a production order.