Listing MBC Actions

If the MBC status is In Design, you can modify the data in the MBC Action (tiedm3120m000) session.

If you add a component using an MBC action, you cannot delete or replace that component using another MBC action linked directly to the same MBC. To work around this restriction, first delete and then add the same component using the same MBC. The added component can have a different EBOM quantity from the original. In that case, the value in the Quantity in EBOM field is used as an absolute quantity, regardless of the value of the Replace Type field.

You can perform the following actions to an EBOM component:

  • Add
  • Delete
  • Replace

If you select Replace, you can use the Replace Type field as an operator to alter the Quantity in EBOM.

If the Include/Exclude E-Items per Action check box in the MBC (tiedm3110m000) session is selected, you can start the Include/Exclude E-Items (tiedm3121m000) session from the appropriate menu to define a list of E-items that are included or excluded when using the MBC action.