Processing EBOM Changes

Engineering BOMs can only be modified with the Process EBOM Changes (tiedm3205m000) session if the following applies:

  • The order status is Approved by Engineering.
  • E-items have been generated using the Generate E-Items by MBC (tiedm3201m000) session, or modified with the E-Item by MBC (tiedm3122m000) session for the current MBC
  • Revisions

    Changes resulting from MBCs are based on the most recent revision. If that revision is:

    • Linked to an order, the MBC order status must be Approved by Engineering.
    • Not linked to an MBC but is manually defined in the Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m000) session, EBOM lines must be present in the Engineering Bill of Material (tiedm1110m000) session for that revision.
    • Different from the revision in the Old Revision field in the E-Item by MBC (tiedm3122m000) session, Old Revision will be overwritten with the revision on which the change is based.
  • Processing EBOM changes

    Single-level EBOMs are changed in two steps:

    • The old revision of the E-item of the EBOM is copied to the new revision. (See the Old Revision field and New Revision field in the E-Item by MBC (tiedm3122m000) session.)
    • The actions that you have indicated in the MBC Action (tiedm3120m000) session are performed on the new EBOM.

After you change the EBOMs, LN carries out the following actions:

  • The order status becomes Approved by Production.
  • The revisions generated by the MBC are automatically released (or manually released, in the Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m000) session). Automatic releasing is not possible for an E-item which has no relationship with items.
  • If applicable the Number of Units, Length, Width and Net Quantity fields in the Engineering Bill of Material (tiedm1110m000) session are filled.