Automated Queue Time Compression (tisfc1103s000)

Use this session to evenly remove the queue time from all the operations of a production order that are not yet completed. In this way, you could meet a production order's modified delivery date or start date.

Queue time compression is supported for forward planning methods as well as for backward planning methods.

After you have selected a production order to compress in the Production Planning (tisfc0110m000) session, you can adjust the following options:

  • Target Start Date and Target Finish Date
  • Queue Compression Method
  • Targeted Compression %
  • Include Operations at Critical Work Center

Field Information

Production Order

production order

Clustered Line Station Order Status

The status of the production order.


The item that is produced by the production order.


The item's description that is produced by the production order.


The first operation of the production order that has not been reported as completed. This operation's start date is the date in the Operation Start Date field.

Move Start Date

The earliest date that the last operation that is not yet reported as completed can be completed, plus the queue time.


The last operation of the production order that has not been reported as completed. This operation's finish date is the date in the Move Start Date field.

Target Finish Date

The date that you want to complete production after the compression process.

Note: Depending on your selection in the Queue Compression Method field, you may not reach the target.
Queue Compression Method

The method which LN uses to evenly remove slack from the operations' queue times.

Note: The operations should not yet reported as completed.
Targeted Compression %

The maximum or actual value by which queue time is reduced.

If you chose the Best Fit method:

  • The maximum value by which the queue time is reduced

If you chose the Targeted Percent method:

  • The actual value by which the queue time is reduced
Include Operations at Critical Work Center

If this check box is selected, the queue times of bottleneck work centers are compressed when you run this session.

Note: You can define a work center as critical in master planning in the Work Centers (tirou0101m000) session.
Planning Method

When you use this session to remove slack from queue times, LN replans the order dates using the method in this field.

Allowed values


For a production order, the planning of the production order is based on a fixed start date. A delivery date is calculated from the order run time.

For a project, the network planning for the project is executed on the basis of a fixed start date. When you start the planning in the Generate Network Planning (tppss2240m000) session, LN determines the project's delivery date with a Forward planning method.


For a production order, the planning of the production order is based on a fixed delivery date. A start date is calculated from the order run time.

For a project, the network planning for the project is executed on the basis of a fixed delivery date. When you start the planning in the Generate Network Planning (tppss2240m000), LN determines the project's start date with a Backward planning method.

Item Safety Time

safety time

Production Start Date and Time

The date you plan to start work on the production order.

Extra Lead Time

extra lead time

Requested Delivery

The date the customer wants the production order to be delivered.


The total queue time of the production order.

Planned Delivery

The Planned Delivery Date for the production order. After you have compressed the queue times (if you use the Best Fit method and Forward planning), LN will alter this date.


The estimated number of hours required to complete the production order, including planned queue time.

Confirmed Delivery

The Confirmed Delivery for the production order. After you have compressed the queue times (if you use the Best Fit method and Forward planning), LN will alter this date.

Setup Remaining As % of Run

The total setup time of the production order as a percentage of the total run time of the order.

Inbound Lead Time

inbound lead time

Outbound Lead Time

outbound lead time

Inbound Lead Time

time unit

Outbound Lead Time

time unit

Including Queue Times in Hours

The queue times in a production order can be expressed in hours as well as in days.

If this check box is selected, only the queue times that are expressed in hours are included the queue time compression.

Including Queue Times in Days

The queue times in a production order can be expressed in hours as well as in days.

If this check box is selected, only the queue times that are expressed in days are included the queue time compression.

Including Queue Times in Hours

The total of the production order's queue times that are expressed in hours.

Including Queue Times in Days

The total of the production order's queue times that are expressed in days.