Item Engineering Data (GBF) (tiipd0203m000)

Use this session to generate a Graphical Browser Framework (GBF) for a maximum of two selected items. The check boxes that you select in this session determine the item information that is shown.

Field Information

Item 1

Select the item for which you want to generate a graphical browser interface.

Item 2

Select the item for which you want to generate a graphical browser interface.


If this check box is selected, the GBF will display the BOM structure of the selected item(s).

If this check box is cleared, you are unable to select the Material-Routing Relations check box or the Exceptions check box.

Where-used BOMs

If this check box is selected, you can start the following sessions from the GBF appropriate menu:

  • Where-Used BOM Component (tibom1512m000).
  • Items (tcibd0501m000).
  • Item - Production (tiipd0101m000).
  • Items - Ordering (tcibd2100m000).

You can also choose to view a graphical browser framework of the multilevel BOM for the item that you selected.


If this check box is selected, the operations are displayed in the GBF.

Material-Routing Relations

If this check box is selected, the material-routing operations are displayed in the GBF.


If this check box is selected, the routings are displayed in the GBF.

If this check box is selected, all the other check boxes, except BOM, Material-Routing Relations, and Where-used BOMs, are automatically selected by LN.

In the GBF, you can start several sessions from the appropriate menu, including:

  • Item - Production (tiipd0101m000).
  • Items (tcibd0501m000).
  • Item - Purchase.

If this check box is selected, the GBF displays the item's tooling.

Tool BOM

If this check box is selected, the GBF displays the tools used in the item's BOM.

Serial Data

If this check box is selected, the GBF displays the item's serial data.

Where-used Machines

If this check box is selected, the GBF displays the where-used machines for the item.

Where-used Operations

If this check box is selected, the GBF displays the where used operations for the item.


If this check box is selected, the exceptions for unit effective items are displayed in the GBF.