Where-Used EBOM Component (tiedm1550m000)

Use this session to view per component or enginering item where they are used per revision and EBOM.

You can double-click a component for more detailed information, like the EBOM for a specific E-item revision and component combination.

Field Information

Component Type

Defines whether the component you are searching for is an E-item or standard item.

You can change this by clicking the Find Record button.


The item for which you want to know in which items it is a component. It can be either an E-item or standard item.

You can change this item by clicking the Find Record button.

Engineering Item

The E-item in which the component is used.


The revision of the E-item in which the component is used.

BOM Quantity

The BOM quantity.

Position Number

The component of the E-item revision's position in the EBOM.

Note: This is analogous to a PBOM position.
Extra Information

A short note that you enter in the Engineering Bill of Material (tiedm1110m000) session regarding the EBOM line.

If you enter longer text, the Text check box is selected, and you can view it by clicking the Text button.

E-BOM Text

If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Net Quantity

The net quantity of the component in the EBOM line.

This is the amount of the component item used in the engineering item.

You can calculate net quantity as follows:

Number of Units * Length * Width = Net Quantity

Example: If ten units are specified of a component that is 2 cm long and 3 cm wide, the net quantity is calculated as 60. If the width is not specified, the net quantity is 20.

Note: You cannot use negative net quantities.


The length of the component in the EBOM line.

E-BOM Text

If this check box is selected, a text is present.


The width of the component in the EBOM line.

Number of Units

The number of times the component occurs in the EBOM. For a physical item, this is equal to the number of units in the length or area defined.

Note: It can also be used to calculate Net Quantity: Net Quantity = ( Length * BOM Conversion Factor) * ( Width * BOM Conversion Factor) * Number of Units/ Conversion Factor
  • If the component has no Width, the value of ( Width * BOM Conversion Factor) is left out of the formula.
  • You can define conversion factors in the Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000) session. LN uses the conversion factor which is applicable to the units of the item or E-item.
  • BOM Conversion Factor is the conversion factor from the base unit to the BOM unit.