Received Job Shop List of Material (tibom5115m000)

Use this session to view all the material lines of the job shop list of materials that are received from PLM.
This session can be accessed only if:
  • The Engineering Revisions check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • The Job Shop by Site check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • The Originating App field is set to PLM (Internal) or PLM (external) in the Item Base Data Parameters (tcibd9199m000) session.

Field Information


Select the site where the job shop list of material will be used.


Select the product to which the job shop list of material applies.

Source Model

The ID of bill of material (BOM) the job shop list of material is derived from.

Source Revision

The revision number of the selected bill of material (BOM).


The number of the list of material line.

Position is

The position number is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM

The ID of the material.

Item is

The material ID is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM

The warehouse to which the material is received.

Warehouse is

The warehouse is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Lot Selection

Select the lot type in which the material is delivered.

Allowed values

  • Any
  • Same
  • Specific
Lot Selection is

The lot selection is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Net Quantity

The net quantity of material needed to manufacture the selected product.

Net Quantity is

The net quantity is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Scrap Percentage

The expected material loss, for example due to faulty components. The gross quantity of the material should be increased to compensate.

Scrap Percentage is

The expected material loss is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Scrap Quantity

The scrap quantity expected during production, independent of the order quantity. This is used to define the amount of material lost every time production is started, for example to test equipment.

Scrap Quantity is

The scrap quantity is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Size Unit

The unit of measurement used.

Size Unit is

The unit of measurement used is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM

You can use this field to calculate the net quantity if the inventory unit is length or area unit. In case of area unit, this field is used in combination with Width. The Length, Width, Size Unit, Number of Units fields apply only if the material has length or an area inventory unit, like meter and square meter.

Length is

The length units are:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM

You can use this field to calculate the net quantity if the inventory unit is Width or area unit. In case of area unit, this field is used in combination with Length. The Length, Width, Size Unit and Number of Units fields apply only if the material has length or an area inventory unit, like meter and square meter.

Width is

The width units are:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Number of Units

The quantity of material required for production expressed in the number of units needed.

Number of Units is

The number of units is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM

The sequence number of the operation, in which the selected material is used.

Operations is

The sequence number of the operation is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
M-R Relations Present

If this check box is selected, material-routing relationships are present for the job shop list of materials.

M-R Relations Present is

The material-routing relationships are:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM

If this check box is selected, the material or component is a phantom.

Phantom is

Phantoms are controlled by:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Replaces Item

The material from the previous JSBOM revision, which is now a use-up material. As long as the use-up material is present in inventory, it will be used instead of the material specified in the Item field.

Use-Up Item is

The use of use-up materials is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Alternatives Present

If this check box is selected, alternative materials are present for the material specified in the job shop list of materials.

Alternatives Present is

The use of alternative materials is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Allow Multiple Items

If this check box is selected, LN can distribute the estimated quantity material needed over multiple items. For example, the net quantity can be divided over the use-up material and the standard material or over the standard material and one or more alternative materials. If this check box is cleared, LN issues only the item specified in the job shop list of materials for the production order.

Allow Multiple Items is

The use of multiple items is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Print on Order Document

If this check box is selected, the material is printed on the job shop list of materials documents.

Print on Order Document is

The printing or order documents is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Standard Configuration

If this check box is selected, the selected material is part of the standard configuration.

Standard Configuration is

The standard configuration content is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Exceptions Present

If this check box is selected, exception massages are present.

Exceptions Present is

Exceptions are:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Reference Designator Present

If this check box is selected, a reference designator is present for the selected material.

Reference Designator Present is

The presence of reference designators is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Specify Material Offset

If this check box is selected, an offset is specified for the selected material.

Specify Material Offset is

The presence of an offset for the selected material is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Material Offset

The material offset in days or hours depending on the selected time unit.

Material Offset is

The material offset is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Material Offset Unit

The time unit, days or hours, in which the material offset is defined.

Material Offset Unit is

The time unit of the material offset is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Report Material

Material is reported:

Allowed values

  • Manual
  • Backflush
  • MES
Report Material is

Material reporting is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Supplied by Subcontractor

If this check box is selected, the specified material is supplied by a subcontractor.

Supplied by Subcontractor is

The material's origine is:

Allowed values

  • Controlled by LN
  • Controlled by PLM
Inherit Demand Peg

If this check box is selected,

Inherit Demand Peg is

Customer Furnished Material

Customer Furnished Material is

Contains Customer Furnished Material

Contains Customer Furnished Material is

Percentage Required

Percentage Required is

Inherit Warehouse if Product is used as Phantom

Inherit Warehouse if Parent Item is


Text is